Lighthearted streets North Buffalo homes shine in commemoration of the Pan Am Centennial and plug into the spirit of the city of light
July 7, 2001 | The Buffalo News
John Lydon’s bright idea of obtaining a $2,500 grant from the city and distributing 1,300 strings of lights has lived up to his expectations of recapturing the glow of the original Pan- Am, when Buffalo was known as the City of Light.
‘’It was my dream to have an illuminated, magical setting that would create community spirit, and I think it’s done that,’’ said Lydon, a deputy city fire commissioner and licensed architect
‘’It’s a creative idea, and John deserves a lot of credit. It’s very much in keeping with what we’re to do (at the Historical Society) by having people reflect on what went on 100 years ago and help build a sense of community.
“Forests were the first temples of God and in forests men grasped their first idea of architecture”